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Workplace Maintenance Management

Increase the efficiency of your planned maintenance. Track maintenance activities on workplace assets and spaces across all locations.
Workplace Maintenance Management

Benefits of Workplace Maintenance Management

Gain a holistic view

See all corrective and preventive maintenance activities across locations from a central workspace.

Reduce workplace maintenance effort

Build corrective and preventive maintenance plans. Associate a space, area, floor, or workplace asset.

Speed time to create cases

Automatically create and assign cases when workplace maintenance requests are received.

Easily track case status

View case comments and schedules. Simply access maintenance plan records and related documentation.

Features of Workplace Maintenance Management

One place to track maintenance plans & finished cases

Central plan management

Track active and draft maintenance plans along with completed cases, all in one place.

Connect workplace assets & spaces with maintenance plans

Workplace asset association

Connect workplace assets and spaces with maintenance plans. Define preventive and corrective actions.

Set different maintenance schedules in the same plan

Simple plan scheduling

Create different predefined maintenance schedules in the same plan, based on duration or a meter.

All cases in a maintenance plan shown in calendar view

Unified calendar view

Get a single calendar view of all the cases in a maintenance plan.

This app is available with Workplace Service Delivery

How to get Workplace Maintenance Management

Workplace Maintenance Management is available with Workplace Service Delivery. Deliver modern digital services for the distributed workforce.

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