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Put AI to work for people
Bring AI to every corner of your business with the Now Platform. Empower your teams with AI today.
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Industry solution to manage network performance

Telecommunications Service Operations Management

Leverage the power of AI to proactively monitor service health in complex networks.

telecommunications</a> network issues with machine learning and advanced analytics.">Consolidate event data on the Now Platform for evaluation and action. Streamline your response to telecommunications network issues with machine learning and advanced analytics.

Deliver high-performance business services.

Capabilities that scale with your business

TSOM includes key applications and capabilities that can grow with you as your needs change.

Event Management

Reduce event floods from monitoring tools and gain insight into business service health.

Operational Intelligence

Proactively identify anomalies before they cause service outages with AIOps and machine learning.

TM Forum Open APIs

Create, track, and manage alarms with an industry-standard interface.

Transform business with IT workflows

Unleash the power of IT

Transform your business with digital IT workflows. Modernize your operations to optimize productivity, cost, and resilience with a single platform for IT.

Explore the possibilities

See what you can achieve when you connect your entire telecom operation on one platform. Build connections, eliminate silos, and improve customer experiences.