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Subscription Management

Manage your ServiceNow® subscription usage proactively with real-time reports, so compliance is simple.

Benefits of Subscription Management

Distribute and monitor subscriptions

Oversee your ServiceNow subscription licensing and control usage.

Track usage and adjust allocations

Manage user-based licenses actively and monitor capacity-based licenses.

Plan for subscription renewals

Understand your long-term usage trends to improve cost management.

Features of Subscription Management

Access subscription management via an overview dashboard

Overview dashboard

Get an all-in-one view to see subscription status and allocations.

Control subscription management allocations actively

Subscription management

Allocate users or tables, and maintain lists of allocations over time.

Additional features

Subscription monitoring

Track your subscriptions by available entitlements, current usage, and subscription status.

Automatic syncing

Keep data current by updating subscription data on a regular schedule.

User groups and compliance management

Define user groups to allocate new users automatically as they enter the system.

Custom application and table management

See the status of custom table entitlements quickly with flagged over-allocations.

Subscription Management is available with the Now Platform

How to get Subscription Management

Subscription Management is available with the Now Platform. Deliver workflows that connect people, functions, and systems with the platform of platforms for digital business.

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