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Service Owner Workspace

Manage IT services from a single intuitive interface. Ensure performance excellence with full lifecycle visibility plus real-time data and insight.

Benefits of Service Owner Workspace

Maintain top-quality services

Monitor metrics across the full lifecycle easily to ensure services are performing as designed.

Restore services faster

Proactively identify and remediate issues quickly by analyzing changes and trends.

Manage service costs

Pinpoint services with unexpectedly high costs and relatively low performance or value add.

Improve the service experience

Monitor CSAT trends and underlying events to maintain and enhance customer satisfaction.

Features of Service Owner Workspace

Viewing services, data, and performance in one place

Centralized view

See services, data, and performance in one place to evaluate investments against value.

Viewing performance data and service trends over time

Service trend tracking

View performance data over time—prep for review meetings and make strategic investment decisions.

Keep track of service availability and outages

Availability management

View and track availability, attach commitments directly to offerings, and receive outage alerts.

Comprehensive service portfolio view for easy analysis

Complete portfolio view

Analyze your service portfolio and identify areas that need attention using performance metrics.

Additional features

Integrated application data

Use aggregated data and measure service performance with qualitative and quantitative metrics.

Consolidated service info

Deliver high service availability with a unified view of items and events of impact.

Service satisfaction

Monitor CSAT trends to evaluate how satisfied customers are with various IT services.

Performance-to-cost evaluation

Compare ratios to determine the true business value of specific services.

Subscriber impact assessment

Manage and view subscribers to understand who’s impacted by service outages or P1 incidents.

Service Owner Workspace is available with ITSM

How to get Service Owner Workspace

Service Owner Workspace is available with IT Service Management. Transform the impact, speed, and delivery of IT.

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