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Service Level Management Manage commitments between service providers and customers for optimal experiences. Gauge performance to ensure service levels are met or exceeded.
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Benefits of Service Level Management Boost customer satisfaction Meet expectations around service time and quality to keep your customers happy. Get ahead of service issues Spot trends and patterns early so you can prevent potential breaches and service degradation. Improve the service provider-business partnership Align service providers with your business through shared expectations and accurate reporting. Enhance organizational performance Gain a better understanding of your active SLAs with detailed visualizations and key metrics.
Features of Service Level Management Centralized SLA management Document SLAs, operational level agreements, and underpinning contract definitions in one place. Visual service timeline Proactively manage at‑risk SLAs and understand changes. View task progress plus associated SLAs. SLA flows Configure SLA flows using a drag-and-drop interface. Create consistency and reduce SLA breaches. Core process integration Manage tasks easily—integrate related ServiceNow® apps to automate and centralize core processes.
Additional features SLA timer Track the time required to complete tasks as defined in the SLA, with potential breach warnings. Detailed SLA definitions Define the timing, conditions, flows, and other info needed to create and progress SLAs for tasks. User notifications Specify SLA requirements easily and automatically send request and incident status notifications. Real-time status updates Provide performance transparency for consumers and providers via expectations and updates. Reporting Gain operational insight with configurable, role‑based dashboards, built‑in metrics, and surveys. Analytics Dig deeper to anticipate trends and identify service improvement and training opportunities.
Resources See All Resources Ebooks The Human Experience of IT Service Management Switch Stories: How 5 Enterprises Consolidated ITSM to Reduce Costs The Future of IT is Now Case Studies Alectra Supports M&A Growth Strategy with ServiceNow Flight Centre Travel Group’s IT Service Management Takes Off with ServiceNow TAL Apparel Achieves Global Customer Service Excellence with ServiceNow Solution Briefs ServiceNow ITSM Overview ServiceNow ITSM Pro and Enterprise Overview
How to get Service Level Management

Service Level Management is available with the Now Platform®. Deliver workflows that connect people, functions, and systems with the platform of platforms for digital business.

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