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Service Catalog Deliver products and services through a user-friendly interface. Empower employees and customers with self-service and faster request fulfillment.
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Benefits of Service Catalog Boost self-service Let employees and customers request catalog items such as service and product offerings on their own. Increase operational efficiency Speed service delivery and reduce costs with solid info, routing, process execution, and automation.  Gain real-time visibility Give Service Catalog owners full insight into order volume, velocity, and automation levels. Accelerate time to value Make IT-department catalog development more consistent with a visual and guided building experience.
Features of Service Catalog Centralized request portal Give people access to any business service they need through a single, easy-to-use portal. Mobile-enabled browsing Review the full catalog of products and services, plus make and approve requests—all on the go. Chatbot-embedded portals Make it easy for requesters to get services they need, when they need them, using the Virtual Agent. Service catalog builder Make products and services discoverable via self-service, with a visual, guided design experience.
Additional features Drag-and-drop workflow Make it easy for administrators to define a multi‑step process for fulfilling and approving requests. Wish lists Save catalog items to your wish list and visit them later to complete the ordering process. Automated test framework Let catalog administrators write automated tests to validate their catalog items.
Resources See All Resources Case Studies Swisscom Creates Even More Inspirational Customer Experiences Using ServiceNow® Wesleyan University Streamlines Getting Work Done The YMCA Helps Its Members Thrive with Intuitive, Responsive Customer Service
How to get Service Catalog

Service Catalog is available with the Now Platform®. Deliver workflows that connect people, functions, and systems with the platform of platforms for digital business.

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