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Service Bridge

Transform your business and reimagine the enterprise customer experience (CX) by building a connected ecosystem of seamless, digital workflows.

Benefits of Service Bridge

Support richer, connected experiences

Make it easier to get things done—no more switching between systems or portals.

Fuel revenue growth

Boost revenue with fast customer and partner onboarding and quick subscriber service catalog refreshes.

Unlock efficiency and scale

Connect easily to enterprise customers and partners that also use ServiceNow and work seamlessly.

Put partner capabilities to work

Differentiate with more capabilities and flow-through automation across the ecosystem.

Features of Service Bridge

Rapid enterprise customer and partner onboarding

Rapid onboarding

Use a configuration-based approach to rapidly onboard customers and partners that use ServiceNow.

Simple service catalog publish & refresh to subscribers

Remote catalog

Publish and refresh your service catalog to subscribers quickly to meet market needs fast.

Seamless remote task workflows across the ecosystem

Remote task

Reduce swivel-chairing with seamless multi-party and multi-instance workflows across the ecosystem.

Service notices sent to customers’ ServiceNow instances

Proactive notifications

Deliver service advisories directly to enterprise customers’ ServiceNow instances for fast action.

Additional features

Proactive advisories

Deliver proactive service advisories directly to your enterprise customers’ ServiceNow® instances.

Progress and status updates

Provide visibility in ServiceNow with updates as requests flow across the ecosystem.

How to get Service Bridge

Service Bridge is available with these ServiceNow products.

Technology Provider Service Management

Connect XaaS customers, operations teams, and partners with digital workflows.

Telecommunications Service Management

Connect your telecom operations in a single platform.

Talk to an expert

Get answers to your questions and discover how ServiceNow can help you transform your business with modern digital workflows.