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Scenario Planning Simulate and compare multiple investment scenarios. Perform what-if analysis to keep your portfolio aligned with your business strategy. Get Data Sheet
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Benefits of Scenario Planning Understand your mix of investments Get complete visibility of your investments to increase agility, alignment, and sponsor engagement. Power enterprise agility Adapt quickly to market change. Compare scenarios to look at cost, benefit, and resource utilization. Align to your business strategy Choose the best scenario to meet your organization’s objectives, and track portfolio progress. Engage sponsors Surface the information you need to engage stakeholders and determine the best investments.
Features of Scenario Planning Watch Video Simulate scenarios Run multiple investment scenarios before you fund projects, for smarter portfolio management. Filter scenarios View projects and demands in the scenario that meet specific criteria. Click on links to filter by Selected or Unaligned items. Compare scenarios Perform what-if analysis by evaluating cost, benefit, strategic alignment, and resource allocation. Confirm best scenario Select the optimal scenario for your objectives and automatically approve demands and resources.
Resources See All Resources Data Sheets Scenario Planning Data Sheet Analyst Reports IDC MarketScape Excerpt: Worldwide IT Project and Portfolio Management—ServiceNow® Topics What is a Gantt Chart?
How to get Scenario Planning

Scenario Planning is available with IT Business Management. Deliver enterprise agility for better business outcomes.

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