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Embed risk-informed decisions in day-to-day work. Gain real-time visibility, use AI safely, and drive strategic results.

Integrate risk management into your IT ecosystem.

Manage IT and cyber risks

Integrate risk management into your technology ecosystem. Employ continuous monitoring and intelligent response to mitigate threats and protect the business.

Manage operational risk with ease.

Link people and processes

Connect your frontline, risk, and internal audit teams with a frictionless experience. Monitor and manage operational and enterprise risk–including ESG–with ease.

Secure corporate and regulatory compliance.

Maintain compliance

Manage and report on corporate and regulatory compliance. Monitor the horizon to keep pace with regulations and proactively assess, plan, and execute changes.

Manage operational resilience enterprise-wide.

Strengthen resilience

Build, test, and execute continuity plans. Mitigate potential IT disruptions and recover quickly. Integrate and manage operational resilience activities enterprise‑wide.

Manage third-party vendor risk.

Manage third-party risk

Assess and manage third‑party risk and compliance to build supply chain sustainability. Accelerate innovation and growth with increased vendor compliance.

You’re in good company

See how organizations like yours are turning to ServiceNow to solve their business challenges.

Digitizing risk gives Uber competitive advantage

Uber digitizes risk to manage its complete policy lifecycle, with visibility into the regulatory horizon.

Topdanmark finds real-time compliance with ServiceNow

Topdanmark uses ServiceNow Policy and Compliance and Risk Management for monitoring technology and cyber risk

Featured products

Achieve strategic business goals and make work better for everyone with offerings from the ServiceNow portfolio.

Governance, Risk and Compliance

Manage risk and resilience in real time by connecting the business, security, and IT.

Security Operations

Improve cyber resilience and vulnerability management while speeding response times.

ESG Management

Drive sustainability, visibility, value, and trust with the right ESG strategy.

HR Service Delivery

Improve productivity by streamlining the employee service experience with intelligent workflows.

Strategic Portfolio Management

Align your organization on a single platform to deliver the outcomes that matter.

IT Operations Management

Predict issues, streamline resolutions, and boost proactive digital operations with AIOps.

Business Continuity Management

Prepare for and effectively recover from disruptions, unforeseen events, and disasters.

IT Asset Management

Automate the end-to-end lifecycle for software licenses, hardware assets, and cloud–on one platform.

Third-party Risk Management

Reduce third-party risk and improve organizational resilience and compliance.

Privacy Management

Identify and manage privacy risk. Stay compliant with evolving privacy regulations.

IT Service Management

Transform the impact, speed, and delivery of IT, with resilient services that increase productivity.

Featured resources


Understand GRC use cases

Find out how to manage risk across IT and business functions.


Build resilient operations

See how to protect your business against uncertainty.


Defeat cyberthreats

Learn how to strengthen and embed resilience across the organization.


Know more, risk less

Connect IRM and ITAM teams with workflows to mitigate enterprise risk.

Speak with a pro

Connect with experts at ServiceNow to explore solutions that can power your resilient business and manage risk in real-time.