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Process Mining Optimize business processes. Uncover trends and patterns using in-platform process mining. Get Data Sheet  View Infographic
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Benefits of Process Mining Uncover process inefficiencies Get deep insight into processes to understand the root cause of how and why issues occur.
Enhance process performance View and analyze team performance across your organization and improve workgroup results.
Eliminate redundancies Streamline work by uncovering and removing redundant tasks and bottlenecks in business processes.
Improve continuously Drive service excellence with an easy visual map for mining real-time process performance.
Features of Process Mining Business process flows Uncover hidden inefficiencies with the push of a button using process data. Process map and comparison See a visual representation of process flows to identify bottlenecks and make improvements quickly. Root cause analysis Optimize processes fast with AI-powered analysis to detect undesired process behavior. Conformance check Establish greater regulatory compliance by proactively identifying process deviations and anomalies.
Additional features Cluster analysis Use machine learning to find and fix inefficiencies faster, and understand underlying patterns.
Linked process analysis Discover and map related processes for a complete view of how they connect to and impact each other.
Easy collaboration Share process maps across teams to collaborate on process improvements and increase efficiency.
Embedded process analysis Right click to analyze process and issues directly and simply from any filtered list of records.
Performance Analytics integration Track realized business value. Link Performance Analytics KPIs to continual improvement initiatives.
Workforce Optimization integration Increase process visibility at the team level through integration with Workforce Optimization.
Ongoing optimization Integrate with Continual Improvement Management to refine processes and track their business value.
Resources See All Resources White Papers How Process Mining and Performance Analytics Complement Each Other Topics What Is Process Mining? What Is Machine Learning? What Is ITSM?
How to get Process Mining Process Mining is available with the Now Platform®. Deliver workflows that connect people, functions, and systems with the platform of platforms for digital business. Explore Platform View Demo
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