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Operational Risk Management Continuously monitor risk and controls to minimize loss. Understand and manage cross-domain risk using enterprise-wide data and flexible assessments. See Brief
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Benefits of Operational Risk Management Reduce operational losses Manage and control risk better—identify, assess, measure, mitigate, monitor, and report. Increase productivity and lower costs Apply a consistent, repeatable process to shorten cycles, improving efficiency and communication. Achieve real-time visibility Prevent and identify operational issues by continuously monitoring risk and control tolerances. Build enterprise-wide resilience and reliability Protect your customers and shareholders by recovering from unplanned disruption quickly.
Features of Operational Risk Management Watch Demo Read White Paper Risk control self-assessment Evaluate inherent risk, assess control mitigation effectiveness, and monitor residual risk. Control assurance/testing Document controls test plans and assess validity using selected samples and a central repository. Continuous monitoring Define thresholds and monitor key risks/controls to quickly identify changes in your risk profile. Incident and loss capture Record and track incidents and near misses—monetary loss, root cause, and remedial action plans.
Additional features Risk reporting and analytics View granular risk events, exposure, and hierarchy, rolled up to enterprise-level risk posture. Advanced risk assessment Run an overall risk assessment on any object—such as auditable unit, location, or regulation. Risk and controls taxonomy Use common language and context to consistently analyze risk impact across departments and tasks. Integrated issue management Use predictive intelligence to create, assign, and remediate issues—faster and more accurately. AI-assisted risk management Group similar risk events together using AI for more accurate analysis and impact reporting. Multi-level approval workflows Use dynamic risk-assessment workflows with three approval levels to meet unique organizational needs. Assessment simulation Run risk assessment simulations with response and approval workflows from production environments.
Resources See All Resources Analyst Reports OCEG: 2021 Modernizing Operational Risk Management Survey IDC: Real Business Benefits Emerge from Bank Investments in Digital Transformation Forrester: The Total Economic Impact of ServiceNow® Risk and Compliance Case Studies Danske Bank Unlocks Value and Spurs Innovation with ServiceNow DNB Takes a Proactive Stance on Risk Management Solution Briefs Addressing Operational Risk with GRC Business Continuity Management Power Your Business with Risk-Informed Decisions Effectively Manage and Report on Enterprise-wide Risk and Compliance Ebooks Developing a Better Risk Report to the Board Cybersecurity Solutions for a Riskier World Prepare for New Risks Ahead: How to Build Business-Wide Resilience Operationalizing the ESG Business Imperative
How to get Operational Risk Management

Operational Risk Management is available with Governance, Risk, and Compliance. Manage risk and resilience in real time.

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