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Discovery Get visibility across your on-premises, cloud, and serverless infrastructure. Manage TLS certificates and firewall policies in a single system. Get Data Sheet
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Benefits of Discovery Realize fast time-to-value Simplify discovery of hardware, virtual and cloud resources, and serverless clusters for the CMDB. Increase service availability Minimize the danger of service degradation or outage with better certificate and firewall management. Power digital transformation Understand traditional deployments and manage new cloud and container environments on one system. Make the most of your investments Integrate discovery data with connectors to build an up-to-date CMDB with automated workflows.
Features of Discovery Automated discovery Get single-platform visibility into IaaS, PaaS, and FaaS with agent, agentless, and cloud-native discovery. Certificate management Compile an up-to-date inventory and receive alerts when TLS certificates are about to expire. Firewall audits and reporting Manage firewall policies on one system to gain visibility, de-risk change, and simplify auditing. Service Graph Connectors Load third-party data into the CMDB easily while maintaining quality, timeliness, and consistency.
Resources See All Resources Data Sheets ServiceNow® Discovery Create an Intelligent Workflow for Your Certificate Management Team Confidently Integrate Third-Party Data with ServiceNow Service Graph Connectors Agent Client Collector Case Studies Danske Bank Unlocks Value and Spurs Innovation with ServiceNow White Papers ITOM Visibility Security Overview Visibility to Multi-Cloud: Measurable Outcomes from CMDB Ebooks Service Visibility: Your Green Light to a Clear Road Ahead Get Better Visibility into Business-Critical Services and the Systems that Power Them AIOps and Visibility for Dummies
How to get Discovery

Discovery is available with IT Operations Management. Deliver high-performance business services with visibility and AIOps.

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