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DevOps Change Velocity Keep developers happy and boost productivity. Connect dev tools to change management for automatic ticketing and approval. Maintain reliability and compliance.
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Benefits of DevOps Change Velocity Give developers more time in their own tools Automatically create change requests for development teams so they can stay focused on coding. Accelerate change while preventing failures Use change policies to automate most approvals. Keep change managers on more complex ITIL changes. Gain new insights and make auditing easier Connect consistent cross-toolchain data in the DevOps data model for easy value stream reporting.
Features of DevOps Change Velocity DevOps integrations Link development tools to multiple production stages—from planning, to build and test, to delivery. Change approval policies and workflows Adapt and extend out-of-the-box policies and workflows easily. Define decision-making criteria and paths.
Resources See All Resources Data Sheets DevOps data sheet
How to get DevOps Change Velocity
DevOps Change Velocity is available with ServiceNow DevOps. Expand DevOps success across the enterprise.
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