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Continual Improvement Management

Achieve service excellence by bringing people, processes, and data together. Make ongoing delivery improvements a reality with a structured framework.
Continual Improvement Management

Benefits of Continual Improvement Management

Spur organization-wide service excellence

Track ongoing improvements from theory to reality in a single system of action, with a set framework.

Keep initiatives aligned and on track

Connect process improvements to your overall business strategy and measure progress against KPIs.

Power smart decisions

Plan, prioritize, and monitor improvement initiatives easily with a context-rich visual ROI dashboard.

Boost agent performance

Improve skills with built-in coaching—offer guidance and training at critical moments, in real time.

Features of Continual Improvement Management

Stay agile with a consolidated view of improvements

Improvement workbench

Get a single view into all improvements in progress, including opportunity details.

Tracking continual improvement processes

Process enhancements

Take steps to maximize enterprise-wide efficiency by integrating the Process Mining app.

Viewing tracked initiative progress and outcomes

Value realization dashboard

Compare initiative progress and outcomes to expectations related to your overall business goals.

Streamline workflows with ServiceNow app integration

Improvement readiness

Create opportunities in the apps you use daily, and automatically convert into records within CIM.

Additional features

ServiceNow® integrations

Add to Performance Analytics, Process Mining, Vendor Manager Workspace, and other related apps.

Coaching plug-in

Set rules to automatically trigger virtual training for service desk agents during key moments.

Improvement requests

Discover new opportunities across people, processes, and tools based on company-wide suggestions.

Improvement register

Capture opportunities and align with strategy by setting and executing against measurable goals.

Dashboard reports

Quantify achievements when all work is complete and identify new chances for continuous enhancement.

Domain separation

Define improvement opportunities at the domain level and cater to end-customer and employee needs.

Indicators and dashboards

Configure KPIs, set targets, track milestones, and watch trends and details to monitor progress.

Real-time analytics

Drill down into a process to understand impacts and identify gaps as well as areas for improvement.

Feature details

Close Event Overlay.
Coaching plug-in
Help your service desk and customer service agents hone their skills. Conditionally configure training opportunities at key moments and automatically trigger the virtual coach with rule-based decision criteria. Provide added guidance through a continuous feedback loop, boosting agent confidence.
Dashboard reports
Quantify your achievements when all work has been completed and identify new opportunities to keep making things better.
Domain separation
Define opportunities at the domain level. Managed service providers can create continual improvement processes and tasks that cater the end customer’s needs.
Improvement register
Capture, monitor, and manage all improvement opportunities in a single place. Align initiatives with strategy by setting measurable goals and executing against them. Give managers a simple way to support and track end‑to‑end improvement processes.
Improvement requests
Discover new opportunities to improve based on company-wide suggestions. Add value across people, processes, and tools to increase efficiency.
Improvement workbench
Get a single‑pane‑of‑glass view into all improvements in flight, including details like current status, time to completion, and allocated resources.
Indicators and dashboards
Configure KPIs, set targets, track milestones, and watch trends and details to monitor your progress. Do it all easily using built-in dashboards.
Integration readiness
Find opportunities to progress within the ServiceNow ecosystem and the apps you use every day, and create records automatically. Proactively push continuous improvement across people, process, service, and technology. Increase efficiency and innovation, and gain a competitive advantage.
Planning framework
Streamline workflows with a simple structure to ensure ongoing improvement. Enhance services, functions, processes, teams, and individual work using the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) framework.
Process enhancements
Track the value of process improvements and take steps to maximize enterprise-wide efficiency.
Real-time analytics
Drill down into a process to understand the impact of improvements, identify gaps requiring remediation, and pinpoint processes that need revamping.
ServiceNow integrations
Embed continual improvement processes into a wide range of apps including Benchmarks, Performance Analytics, Vendor Manager Workspace, Audit Compliance, and Survey and Assessments, and functions like idea/demand/project/stories, and global risk.
Value realization dashboard
Monitor and view the progress of all tracked initiatives. Compare outcomes to expectations related to your organization’s overall business goals.

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Service Owner Workspace

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Talk to an expert

Get answers to your questions and discover how ServiceNow can help you transform your business with modern digital workflows.