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Communities Help customers and employees get their questions answered, connect with peers, and share expertise. It’s self-service problem solving made easy.
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Benefits of Communities Solve issues quickly Give customers and employees a simple way to crowdsource answers for personalized self-service. Get actionable insights Gain visibility into customer and employee needs and issues to better guide your business. Lower your costs Resolve common issues and discover new solutions to increase service efficiency.
Features of Communities Forums and topics Define areas of interest and let users engage by sharing different types of content. Subscriptions Subscribe to forums, topics, and content. See and react to new content quickly in your activity feed. Harvest knowledge Turn community solutions into knowledge articles easily to expand your self-service content. Case integration Escalate unanswered questions into cases manually or automatically using workflows.
Additional features Content types Post various types of content including images, videos, and blogs, with granular access controls. Cross-portal search Integrate with other channels so users can search for solutions across all self-service options. Dashboard Set and monitor KPIs to understand user engagement and chart community progress and success. Gamification Use points, levels, and badges to make participation fun and encourage engagement. Self-registration Make it easy to register using a Captcha-supported, two-step process. Guided setup Get help with initial configuration, track your progress, and finish the setup process later. Forum moderation Set content to require approval and allow community users to report content. Events Host in-person or online events and create a landing page with all the details.
Resources See All Resources Case Studies Now on Now: Optimizing Self-Service Customer Support in the ServiceNow® Community Data Sheets ServiceNow Customer Service Management Self-Service in ServiceNow Customer Service Management Solution Briefs ServiceNow Employee Workflows
How to get Communities Communities is available with these ServiceNow products. Get training Build or expand your expertise, get certified, and get to value faster. Find a partner Discover technology alliance partner solutions in our global ecosystem. Find product documentation Reference release notes, platform capabilities, upgrade details, and more. Discover best practices for MSP partners Learn proven strategies from our most successful partners and customers. Customer Service Management Improve service operations and engage your customers. HR Service Delivery Deliver the right experience to employees anywhere.
You might also be interested in… Knowledge Management Increase business efficiency with easy knowledge sharing and collaboration. Performance Analytics Anticipate trends, prioritize resources, and continuously improve with real-time analytics. Service Portal Design a self-service user experience with a responsive portal interface. Virtual Agent Intercept and resolve issues faster with an intelligent chatbot that understands simple, human language.
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