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Cloud Accelerate Speed cloud adoption with workflows that automate everyday cloud service delivery and continuous governance. Watch Video Get Data Sheet
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Benefits of Cloud Accelerate Migrate to the cloud with confidence Plan your cloud migration with in-depth visibility of your on-premises workloads and disposition strategy. Deliver cloud services quickly Enable users to request cloud services seamlessly through an innovative, simplified UI. Improve cloud governance and compliance Alert and remediate within minutes the changes in configuration that violate existing policies. Take action in the cloud Embed common cloud tasks into your ServiceNow® automation portfolio via the Cloud Action Library.
Features of Cloud Accelerate Workload migration and disposition Create migration assessment tasks and track status. Group target servers and create disposition requests.
Streamlined cloud services provisioning Automate service requests for distributed teams and easily manage resources using the Cloud Services Catalog.
Config violation analysis Scan through cloud resources for improper and vulnerable configurations. Remediate them promptly.
Intelligent cloud actions Create a set of new actions with Automation Engine to execute cloud use cases such as configuration governance.
Resources See All Resources Data Sheets Cloud Accelerate White Papers Visibility to Containers: Measurable outcomes from CMDB Plan, scale, and operate your cloud for enterprise transformation Scale cloud transformation with ITOM Cloud Accelerate Webinars How to Accelerate Cloud Provisioning with Cloud Service Catalog Now on Now Story: Scale cloud adoption faster with the ServiceNow platform Topics What Is Cloud Management? What Is a Cloud Center of Excellence? Video Accelerate Cloud Service Delivery
How to get Cloud Accelerate Cloud Accelerate is available with IT Operations Management. Predict issues, prevent impact, and automate resolution with AIOps. Get Product Info View Demo
Dig deeper into Cloud Accelerate View Docs Visit Community Get Developer Resources Start Learning Achieve Success
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