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Automation Discovery Identify ways you can increase operational efficiency using ServiceNow® automation applications. Watch Video
Automation Discovery Contact Sales Benefits Features How to Buy Related Apps
Benefits of Automation Discovery Accelerate time to value Discover out-of-the-box automation opportunities to maximize your ROI—fast. Become more strategic Give your IT agents more time to focus on key initiatives. Operate more efficiently Increase end-user productivity by making it easy for them to self-serve through automation.
Features of Automation Discovery Incident analysis Use AI to comb through past incidents and uncover up to 180 pre-defined automation opportunities. Deflection potential See how many incidents could have been resolved using automation applications. Time-saved projections Use a dashboard widget to view potential work hours saved through automation. Deeper insights Understand which business units or teams would benefit the most from implementing automation.
How to get Automation Discovery

Automation Discovery is available with the Now Platform®. Deliver workflows that connect people, functions, and systems with the platform of platforms for digital business.

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